Friday, January 30, 2015

Say something...

I needed to say something.
To you.
It has been a minute.

There has been a lot going on, and I have been dying to talk to you, but I couldn't. Sometimes, I would just talk to you in my mind. I want to. But sometimes, it is too much of a hustle, or I am tired, or I have a house to clean and a baby clinging onto my hip.

I don't know how good my writing is anymore. I am certain that my writing could be better, worthier, cleaner, etc, but I am in a different place right now. I can't dwell on that right now. I am in transition.

Like, when I was pregnant, and sick, and I couldn't do shit. I had stopped doing those things that I love: writing, playing/performing music, poetry, and of course radical (socio-political) activisms. When I had the baby, I wanted to talk to you. To tell you everything. Every day. But I couldn't. I tried, once in a while I was able to sneak in some video logs, but not nearly as much as I would have loved.

Right now, I am coming out the other end of that tunnel. Baby is a lot less determined to dominate my attention all through the day, and I can get her distracted by putting on either Beyonce, Elani, Ubongo Kids or Tinga Tinga. I am keeping up a lot more, with showers, for example, and the dishes, and the
general housekeeping. I am at 60% efficiency I can say. Much of this I will credit to Kai and Akashi who helped me clean up and rearrange the kitchen and living room and get into a good habit of clean as you go, keep the visible areas clean and you won't get overwhelmed with the chores

...I really needed to say something...

I wanted to talk.
I needed to talk.

I wanted to tell you, that there is some great news! Through Baba Malik Yakini of DBCFSN, I have connected with a sister in New Orleans who is willing to host us for the full week, at her mom's mini apartment, for a nominal cost of $100. Give thanks!! New Orleans was the goliath! I could hardly find any African connections there, and the accommodation costs on cheaper websites like airbnb were about to cost me about $400.

New Orleans.
May my spirit be elevated in that place. May I find the nourishment, inspiration and affirmation to define and work as a lover of beautiful things, maker of beautiful colorful things, clothing, spaces, food, relationships and so much more.

New Orleans,
Rekindle my love for music, poetry, and self expression. Empower me to be me, and to be present in my voice, and my words. Empower me to be these wonderful things that I want to be. Empower me to do these wonderful things that I want to do.


I also was welcomed by a Kenyan family in Houston Texas- wait- multiple Kenyan families, and mostly women (how fantastic is that- hello feminism), following my sharing my story about my voyage on a Kenyans in Houston facebook group that I came upon.
The team in Houston is amazing. So much energy and generosity was out-poured following my request, and I was both awed and overwhelmed. I am looking forward to visiting. I think I would  love to live in Houston, seeing as there are so many Kenyans there that seem to be so close-knit and open to communing.

Can I hear an Ashei?

Just tonight, I was on, for the umpteenth time, looking for prospects in Dallas, when I came upon a Nigerian family that opens their homes to wanderers/travellers and quickly wrote them. In a few hours, BOOM! Positive response, and I was so excited, I am so excited, because I will be staying with a family, and families are generally safer, and more comfortable and familiar with the hustle of a young baby and her aspirational moms.

Conversation with Moses and Margaret, Hosts in Dallas

I have sent tonnes of messages on couch-surfing and through African associations in Chicago, for the past couple of weeks, looking for a place to stay too. I am very hopeful. I know something good will turn up.

Matter of fact, a Luo lady from Chicago already contacted me and offered me a place, but advised that she lives deep in the surburbs, and transportation to the heart of the city would be hectic. She is open to accommodate us, but I am keeping my options open because access to the heart of the city is essential for me, since I am not trying to be cooped up in a house, or spent out on public transit vehicles.

Well, there,

That is the good news.

Bad news is that we had a huge disagreement with our landlords, who haven't paid $3,500 taxes on our home, which is now, as a result, scheduled for foreclosure in March. Yes, this March 2015!|

They are also trying to sell the house to us for $10,000, in spite of the fact that they just bought it about 5 years ago, for $4000 via a tax auction.

The house is old, and was in disrepair just before we moved in. Among other structural issues that have been addressed or are in process, its roof is almost in shambles, and our water isn't even legally
turned on. For a long time after we moved in, deep into the winter, we did not even have a working furnace for heat. Most of the financing for renovations have been footed by my husband, Lorenzo.

We have lived here for abut 19 months.

The most unfortunate thing about this is that the landlords are my in laws.
Family drama galore.

There is a whole load of bullshit that I had enough of.
I was absolutely incensed and I went at it with Lorenzo's dad earlier this evening.

It is ridiculous to talk about securing family dynasty and running game on your own kids.
We have refused to pay any more rent until they pay their long overdue taxes, or work out an arrangement to do so, before WE are foreclosed on and evicted by the city of Detroit.

We have been meaning to buy the house from them for a long time now, and have had numerous discussions on it, which stalled because of unreasonable price quotes, once which was $20,000.
The most recent was $10,000 cash upfront.

The inlaws own at least 6, maybe more other properties, different from the one in which they currently reside in. Most of these were purchased dirt cheap, and are also in disrepair.

Several are also at risk of foreclosure, this March.

Drama dot com.

I am trying to find the good in this mess.

Well, this is all I can say for now.
I might have about 10 minutes more to myself before baby wakes up to 'nyo'.



I never thought about breastfeeding when I was baby-feverish.
Its like a fulltime job.
And she can turn up like nobody biznas if you try deny her.


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